COVID-19 Response and Information
June 29, 2020
Is it appropriate to advertise during a crisis?
Most experts agree: businesses that communicate effectively, consciously and thoughtfully during a crisis are more likely than those that don’t to gain consumer confidence and loyalty. Below is a link to an overview of the keys to successful advertising during a crisis, from Oglivy and Environics, which can be summarized as “think about your consumers, not your brand”:
- what is your brand or business doing to contribute to positive change in the community?
- how are you helping consumers or supporting those who are helping them?
- are you supplying a value, product or service that can be useful now?
- how are you ensuring that it is safely and fairly accessible?
- what have you done to keep your employees and suppliers safe and well?
- explain any special offers that help consumers afford needed products or services
- ensure you are delivering strong value
- be sensitive: supporting a luxury or high-ticket item is probably not going to be well received
See actual report here.
The OCNA received bookings for eight more weeks of Ontario Government advertising: 1/4 page B&W in every independent newspaper. The Federal government is looking at half and full pages, but we have no confirmation yet of their final plans. We will let you know as soon as we know. Ad*Reach is working with the government and their agencies every day.
If you have the opportunity to talk to your government representative(s) about advertising, you may reference any/all of the facts in this short presentation:
Let Ad*Reach know if you need more information or sales tools (Pam Portt 416-923-7724 x 4434).
The association has sent payment to all who ran Ad*Reach ads in February. You can expect that cheque soon.
We've also spoken to Canada Post, whom Caroline Medwell had contacted last week to advocate for lowered postage prices for our members who use Canada Post for their distribution. Unfortunately, they said 'no'. Their representative said that "offering discounts on mail services is not one (of the options) that they are considering today". They said that they will "continue to assess customer demands and needs". Caroline will keep trying and connect with them regularly.
Here is the link to the updates the Federal Government provided today on the Journalism Tax Credit (ready to go) and the Aid to Publishers (being streamlined):
Other resources and offers:
Join the members-only online forum on Slack:
It’s free, and it’s easy. Join using the link below and start conversations with fellow members. You can share ideas, ask for advice, vent frustrations.
Join the channel called #ontariocommunitynewspapers and add a message to begin engaging.
Use our conference call service:
If you need to hold a meeting, briefing or interview and don’t already have a conference call service, please use ours. Contact Kelly Gorven ( or Lucia Shepherd ( for the number and passcode.
Order your press cards:
Press cards can be ordered through Kelly Gorven at
We know that many of our members are feeling overwhelmed with all that is happening: you are covering news, gathering information, supporting your community and staff, all while also dealing with the severe financial impact of this public health emergency. Advertisers are not advertising, and yet bills and payrolls continue.
One important need for community newspapers right now is for government advertising investment. We are the best medium for communicating important information, and we need the financial support. OCNA and Ad*Reach have been speaking – and selling – to the provincial government at all levels, and their advertising agencies. We have also connected with the federal health and communications departments, and their agencies.
IF YOU CAN, you can help: There is a short presentation (below) summarizing why Ontario community newspapers are the wisest choice for government advertising investment when addressing a serious public issue. If you can, take or send it to your local government representatives.
<<Click here to download the presentation>>
Let Ad*Reach know if you need more information or sales tools.
Pam Portt 416-923-7724 x 4434
Charlene Bickerstaffe 416-923-7724 x 4422
The OCNA is looking at other ways to help.
We will be paying for all Ad*Reach ads that ran up to the end of February, and extending the due date for membership fees indefinitely.
Here are some other offerings, services and links that we hope might provide some advice or relief.
Join the members-only online forum on Slack: It’s free, and it’s easy. Join using the link below and start conversations with fellow members. You can share ideas, ask for advice, vent frustrations.
Join the channel called #ontariocommunitynewspapers and add a message to begin engaging.
Use our conference call service: If you need to hold a meeting, briefing or interview and don’t already have a conference call service, please use ours. Contact Kelly Gorven ( or Lucia Shepherd ( for the number and passcode.
Kevin Slimp Webinars at no charge: Kevin Slimp dropped the price of his webinar on dealing with COVID-19 as a newspaper to $19USD, which the OCNA will pay on your behalf. We had several members attend the webinars held March 19th, and these will be recorded and available soon. They will also re-run. Details for the new webinars to follow.
Human Resources: Information and advice on workplace communications, creating COVID-19, and working from home are available from TwoGreySuits , with most recent COVID-19 related articles also on our website (here).
The TwoGreySuits 24-hour call number is 1-888-661-9234
For information on Sick Leave and Employment Insurance
For anything else, please contact
Caroline Medwell
Cell phone 416-618-1522